I’d like to introduce you to a relatively new organization, JWI, Jewish Women International.


I’d like to introduce you to a relatively new organization, JWI, Jewish Women International. JWI is described as “the leading Jewish organization working to empower women and girls of every race, culture, ability, gender identity, and sexual orientation. “

Their website features an excellent piece on 10 Revolutionary Ideas to Explore at Your Seder. In the traditional Haggadah it says “In every generation, we should feel as if we ourselves had left Egypt: Bechol Dor Vador Chayav Adam Lirot et Atzmo K’ilu Hu Yatza Mimitzrayim.

The author, prominent writer and educator, Rahel Musleah, offers us meaningful ways to fulfil this teaching. Go to:

10 Revolutionary Ideas to Explore at Your Seder - Jewish ...

https://www.jwi.org › articles › 10-revolutionary-ideas-t...

Of course, since she wrote this article, we have numerous other issues to reflect upon at our Seders. How can we not reflect on the threats to voting rights in America, the surge of antisemitism, the attacks on women’s reproductive rights, climate justice and more? How can we not mention the struggle between democracy and autocracy in our world? How can we not talk about the surge in violence towards Israelis and Palestinians? Can we mention that Israel is providing Ukraine with humanitarian aid, but is still allied with Russia, refusing to condemn Russia for acts of genocide and barbaric attacks on Ukrainians? Are these issues too much to discuss? Perhaps just a list will suffice and some time to explore just one issue.

We also have much to be grateful for. While the pandemic has limited our freedom of movement and communality, we have learned how to create new ways for sustaining ourselves and our communities. At our Seder tables we must also acknowledge all those in the medical, health, science and helping professions for their dedication. While we live in dark times we can be grateful for all the acts of Chesed, loving kindness, that we are witnessing here and around the world.

If you need an Haggadah, there are several online that you can download. We also have our own Rock Creek Haggadah, a shortened Haggadah with all the essentials.

May this Pesach bring us personal renewal and renewed efforts to bringing about a world of justice and peace.

L’Shanah HaBah b’Mishpat u-v’Shalom,

b’Yerushalayim HaBnuyah,

Reb David